J. Gofers

Snollebollekes - Hullemaal Kapot

Are these two gophers fighting or dancing 🤣

Gofer z cheetosów? #shorts #lifehack

New Top Golf Club makes it easier to hit the ball..

Best Bait Applicator for Gophers!

Minnesota’s P.J. Fleck gets a mayo bath courtesy of Flavor Flav | ESPN College Football

Jon Rahm's advice for weekend golfers? Know your ACTUAL yardages

Pocket Gophers

Gophers Wrestling Coach J Robinson Speaks Out On His Firing

Why Amateur Golfers Can’t Compress The Golf Ball


Average golfers MUST watch this!

My Favorite Drill Which Has Helped 1'000's of Golfers #shorts #golfswing #golf #ericcogorno

How to Win the War Against Gophers!

J Robinson on Dreaming of Playing for the Gophers as a Minnesotan

stop calling me Gofer

Angry golfers are funny😉


GREAT golfers all do this 🤯

silver boy ft Gofer j sakina (niggas music)

Thanks gofer

Michael Phelps, Michael J. Fox, Bill Clinton & Morgan Freeman-Golfers Who Give Back-Golf Digest

Comparing J Cole to all time golfers 😂